Our back issues are available for purchase below, with prices inclusive of delivery and shipping available worldwide.
Back Issue Bundle
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Ireland: €54
International: €60
Issue 10

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Jason Kennealy | Whale
Aodán McCardle | The Magpie
Ciara Ní Coimín-Lughlinn | Waning\Waxing
Katie Oliver | The Beak-Keeper
Jamie Samson | There Are No Stairs In This House
Jennifer Worrell | Secrets of Floating
Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán | Pursue
Claire Booker | The Flax Crop & Tidal River
Laura Adrienne Brady | My Friend Reminds Me We Are Wild Mustangs
Kevin Cahill | Starwort
Kevin Connelly | Eidhneán
Brittney Corrigan | Duplex with Eponymous Birds & Duplex with Black-tailed Deer
Erin Coughlin Hollowell | Aisling
Patrick Deeley | Whinstone
Daniel Galvin | Aftermath ExpressTM
Ali Hatami | That Autumn
Mai Ishikawa | Fibonacci Spiral & Surface
Casey Jarrin | Hectocotylus
Fin Keegan | Distant Station
Diane Kendig | My Georgic
Bénédicte Kusendila | Siblings
J.B. Lawrence | My ignorant history of maps
Catherine Phil MacCarthy | Slieve Felim & Easter Avalanche
DS Maolalai | The end of the world & Peripheries
Donncha Ó Conmhuí | corr réisc
Tomás Ó Ruairc | Germination
Rory O’Sullivan | Catfish & A Place
Devki Panchmatia | Mercury
Angeline Schellenberg | Sleepy Transformation, Ends of the Earth & An Opaque Shell
Cover art: A Chronic Exuberance – L’Exaltation de la Fleur, Episode I, by Cecilia Bullo. Photograph by Aoife Herrity.

Issue 9

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
John Kaufmann | Genesis 6–9
Podge Meehan | An Inconvenient Truth
Tina Pisco | Ring of Fire
Roman Vai | Conversation Starters for Therapy
Tremain Xenos | Fecundity
Lucy Zhang | Reef Construction
Emilia Ong | Careful
Beattie | Gnomes, Staring Up the Hill & A God Sits Watching the Ducks
Diarmuid Cawley | Antiquity on a fault line & Ballyconnell, Sligo
Dáithí de Buitléir | Ráithín an Chloig, Bré
S.J. Delaney | Queer Pastoral & I Won’t Stop Writing Queer Pastorals
Shakeema Edwards | New Mexico Whiptail Lizards & The Mating Behavior of Burying Beetles
Chinedu Gospel | If They Ask Me
Yoni Hammer-Kossoy & Abby Yucht | Deconstructing Babels
Darren Higgins | The Floating Bridge
Ayòdéjì Israel | Ten Couplets About My Body
Michael David Jewell | Camera Obscura
Susanna Lang | Crow and Anti-Crow
Morgan Leathem Ventura | Aquatic Dirge
Rose Malone | Tóraíocht: Scéal Ghráinne
Joanne McCarthy | Garraíodóir
Thomas Mixon | No Trespassing
Cliona O’Connell | In the Lord’s Wood
Pádraig Ó Cuinneagáin | Deoir
Hui Ran | seeing the flood for the first time
Lani O’Hanlon | A Café in Berlin & Landscape of the Body
Aoife Riach | New Year’s Resolutions
John Tinneny | Corpán
Cover art: Dead talk (archaeologists) and Eurydice (dead again…) and Orpheus, by Isabel Nolan

Issue 8

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Alicia Hilton | Welcome to Draco Intergalactic Space Station
Jason Kennealy | Nettle
Susan Lanigan | Rosa at Garryvoe, January ’22
Barbara Lock | Rabbit
Martha Ryan | Summer’s End
G.G. Silverman | Ursus
Aodán McCardle | 50 Dreams of Wolves
Julie Breathnach-Branwait | Faoistín Cloch
Susan Bruce | Splash Notes & Everything Is a Big Deal for an Ocean
Alicia Byrne Keane | Making an Escape
Gemma Cooper-Novack | Notes and Sounds & The wrong stories
Ion Corcos | On the Day the World Ends
Seth Crook | Loving One Twin
Agnieszka Filipek | Działka
Jennifer LoveGrove | Pantone Colour of the Year
Beth McDonough | Crataegus
Amano Miura | Idir dhá réimse
Jaye Nasir | Among the Mangroves & The Meadow
Nils Nelson | Wild Fennel
Keev Ó Baoill | cois farraige, i bhfad uaim
William James Ó hÍomhair | Bealtaine na Briotáine
Maidhc Ó Maolmhuaidh | Eipeagram 12.18
David Ishaya Osu | One suitcase
Rory O’Sullivan | Trojan Peace & Lament of the Wise
Stella Reed | Edict & Leaving Iona
Joel Scarfe | Salting the Ocean
Anna Teresa Slater | Morning Ritual
Padma Thornlyre | A Cluster of Sweating Grapes (Variations of Identity) & Woman As Labyrinth and What Is Held Within
Athira Unni | Postcard from England
Monica Wang | Tim was Our Cousin Who Liked Music and Sketching and Martial Arts Novels & In November, a walking tour
Cover art: Still from Dissolving Beyond The Worm Moon by Bassam Issa Al-Sabah
Issue 7

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Issue 6

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Amber Connell | The Snail
Conor Crummey | The Good People
Rebecca Ferrier | Lady Garden
Niamh Mac Cabe | Some Soft Error
Rosa Mäkelä | Molluscs
Podge Meehan | Paradise Pizza
Declan Toohey | Screech
Chris Powici | The Naming of Streams
Sean Cho A. | Tonight,
Lorelei Bacht | Tortoiseshell
Annette C. Boehm | Billy the Kid vs. Dracula & Provision
Christine Butterworth-McDermott | Prayer for Hope, with Camellia & The Silver Birch
Lauren Camp | Yarrow & Letter
Natalie Crick | Sister as Spirit Animal & Wolf Takes My Hand
Jerry Dennis | Two Fogs
Peter Kenny | Snow on the Hillfort
Andrew Kozma | Ode to the Bedbug & Ode to the Guinea Worm
Tom McLaughlin | Huerta de San Vicente & Prospect Cottage
Thomas Mixon | Podzol, or Apocalypse with Interruptions
Carolyn Oliver | Archangel Days
Rory O’Sullivan | Sherkin Island
John Joseph Ryan | Equinox
Angeline Schellenberg | Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?
Grace Wells | Amhlaoibh O’Súilleabháin Meets the Woman from Poll an Chapaill bog
Leonore Wilson | Of What Resists & Resurges
Cover art: White Rock, 9:00 a.m. October #1, from the series Into the Sea, by Gerry Blake

Issue 5

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Lynn Cecil | Night Swimming
James Hudson | Jack Goes to Hunt a Werewolf
Aodán McCardle | I Go Down to the Sea
Fergus Hogan | Snowbird
Jacquelyn Scott | Personal Accounts from the 2016 Gatlinburg Fires
Dasom Yang | Jangmi
Aiyejinna Abraham O. | Pando, A Forest with One Tree & I Am Here, Sister, I Am Here
Pragya Bhagat | portrait of s at arambol & flower girl
Claire Booker | An Osprey Fledges & Dinosaur Boy
Elizabeth J. Coleman | Nightly Migration
Satya Dash | The Tower of Faint Music
Michael Dechane | Interrogating a Nectarine
Heather Dobbins | I Held Us On for 36 Hours After the Levee Broke to Hell
Olga Dugan | Mother to Child: A Prayer
Margaryta Golovchenko | Flowery Aquarium
Sinéad Griffin | Cliff Walk
Ilya Gutner | Soviet-American Blues under the elevated highway in New Pudong & Leaving the Last Pudong
Marcia Hindson | After Neverland & Feral Thoughts
Sandra Kacher | Trust
Rhona McAdam | Penumbra
Beth McDonough | Unfathomed
Marjorie Schratz McNamara | The Day Out
Ben Murray | coffee talk in the anthropocene
Jackson Jesse Nash | Mudlarking at the River Thames
Cliona O’Connell | Nothing To See & Landscape
Lani O’Hanlon | Careful
Marion Oxley | The Point
Cheryl Pearson | Wild Swim, Summer & How to become an ocean & Listening to the wind sing in the icicles on the Monsal Trail
Jane Robinson | Ballad of Bikini Atoll
Joel Scarfe | A False Reading
Ojo Taiye | Elegy for My Mother’s Cows & Goats
Jeffrey Thomson | MUSA Underwater Sculpture Garden
Milla van der Have | ox and mandarin || understory
Adam van Graan | Ratcatcherfields & Duckwatching
Jade Wallace | Biologically Dead
Shaoni C. White | You Have a River
Beth Oast Williams | Gravity Gone, And I Should Have Sounded An Alarm
Erin Wilson | Vowels in Treetops
Carolyne Wright | Watched by Whales & The Gondola: New Orleans World’s Fair
Issue 4

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Andrew Boden | Along the Malecón
Alicia Hilton | Death Taught Me to Live
Douglas W. Milliken | Growth Unencumbered
Antony Paschos, translated by Dimitra Nikolaidou and Victor Pseftakis | Pinebark
Michael Phoenix | Cherries
Michael Backus | Distant Smoke
Dian Parker | Inside the Earth
Marisca Pichette | Lineage of Fire
Dargie Anderson | Tonight, On the Way Home, the Steam from the Coal Plant
Larry Blazek | Zombie Dogs
Jane Boxall | Kayak Haiku
Bethany F. Brengan | Love Is Simply Attention Paid Out Over Time
Rachel Cleverly | Love Bugs
Douglas Cole | No SOS On
Seth Crook | Swim Now, She Says & Our Neighbour Meets An Otter Pup
John Paul Davies | The Oak Tree
Kristian Doyle | An Only Before-and-After
Ifoghale Eguwe | Moon
Stacey Forbes | Stonefish Lullaby
Emily Franklin | On the other side of the busy road & After Seeing a Photograph of Flamingos
Ruth Goring | Raging & This place
Heather Hamilton | Standing at Shore, Waiting –
Arielle Hebert | Ugliest Orchid in the World & Backyard Universe
Matt Howard | Purple
Tricia Knoll | To Grieve in Shifting Sun
Janet Landman | Deep Structure
DS Maolalai | Thin body, clumsy wing
Sarah McCartt-Jackson | Clay Lick
Maeve McKenna | Secret Season
Jess Mc Kinney | Wych Elm & Baby’s Breath
Thomas Mixon | Versus
David Ishaya Osu | Daily
Rory O’Sullivan | The Baptism of John Moriarty & July in Garryduff Woods
James Owens | Page From an Immigrant Diary & The Ogre
Caleb Parkin | Witches’ Knickers & Unknown Distance, Moderate Difficulty
Tania Runyan | The Reasons I Became a Western Chorus Frog
Annette Skade | The Seaward Side
Anna Teresa Slater | the amateur’s guide to managing things
Melissa Perri Smith | Winter Rains
Sam Smith | Perilous
Cherry Smyth | In the Cave
Dana Sonnenschein | Wolf Sketchbook
Jaime Speed | Why I propagate plants
Maya Weinberg, translated by Yoni Hammer-Kossoy | Outside the City
Ivis Whitright | temperate
Megan Wildhood | Pile Up
Kristin Camitta Zimet | The Record
Cover art: Evelyn Broderick
Cover design: Rachel Doolin
Issue 3

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Emma Devlin | The Great Félini
Joshua James | Sanctuary
Aodán Mccardle | Mac Tíre
Matthew Thomas Meade | Stones from the Stone Fruit Tree
Marisca Pichette | Daffodils are Lonesome
Jill McLaughlin | Four Elements of Living Alone
Jen Ashburn | The Woman and the Tide
Bebe Ashley | Brass and Pearl
Christina Baker | Milkweed
Clíodhna Bhreathnach | Dunmore East: Fishing Village
Claire Booker | April Hitches to Stornoway & It’s Never Too Late for a Happy Childhood
Despy Boutris | Summer Breeze, Shivering Leaves & Still Life with Intrusive Thoughts
Julian Brasington | On Lafan Sands
R. Bratten Weiss | By the Waters Of
Dylan Brennan | Bog Cotton
David Butler | Lasair Choille
May Chong | I think the shrike is love
Nancy Cook | Leap Year Love Sonnet
Lucy Crispin | not inspirational
Martina Dalton | Because Her Wedding Had to Be Postponed
Ann V. DeVilbiss | Taxonomy & Snow Memorial
Tim Fab-Eme | What We Learned from the Wildfires
Stephanie Green | Grimsey Island
David Hawkins | Sea Wormwood & Soil Haiku
Marcy Rae Henry | tenth sign
Karen Luke Jackson | Homage to the Least
Colin James | Some Folks Insist on Loved Ones Returning Home via Water
Natalie Korman | Studying the Year & Good Garbage
Susanna Lang | In a Dark Wood
Karen Mandell | Just Like That & Rose Has a New Walker
Uma Menon | Migrant Dreams
Erica Jane Morris | Ants
Elizabeth Rose Murray | Wolf Moon, Killing Moon, What Have We Done?
Cliona O’Connell | Kisses All the Way Down
Pip Osmond-Williams | Cianalas & Yesnaby & Life Cycle
Marisca Pichette | For a place in the family of things
Amber Rollinson | The Creek
Joel Scarfe | A Perfect Square & Making Sense
Carla Schwartz | Pulling Vinca
Dorsía Smith Silva | Dilemma of July 2020
J.J. Steinfeld | You Look the Endangered Animal in the Eye
Rosamund Taylor | From Sperm Whale to Colossal Squid
Kerry Trautman | Summer Morning Errand at a House in the Country & Northern Lights
Iain Twiddy | Flank
Susannah Violette | A Crease in the Sunlight
Jeanine Walker | For You I Miss
Laura Grace Weldon | What I Notice Upon Waking
Fran Westwood | Where land and water meet
Cover art: My Generation
Cover design: Kate O’Shea
Issue 2

Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
Ronan Fitzgerald | Hiatus
Ronan Flaherty |The Rescue
Shane Holohan | And the Earth turned back toward the Sun
Laura Sheary | He Said
Catriona Shine | Alces Urbis
Sandra Landers | Nightwalking
Sarah Alcaide-Escue | Ode to the Kingfisher & Villanelle with Bees
Gabriella Attems | Garinish Island
Jensen Byrne | Waxing Gibbous
Seth Crook | Winter, Outwith the Kingdom of Red & After the Great Gale, the Kingdom of Red
Katarzyna Dybzynska | Underground Cartographers
Numertha Geisinger | Cursing in St. Spyridon & Benediction of Ascents
Fee Griffin | The River Talks Bronze Like a Friend’s Bad Boyfriend
Sinéad Griffin | Earthsky Valentine
Richard W. Halperin | I Do Not Know This Man
Hilaire | Peat Regarded as Cake
Fergus Hogan | fox trot shape shift
Matt Howard | Nest Surveying & Berry Burden
Karen Izod | Power of Attorney: Instructions to a Daughter
Orla Martin | Hackled
Beth McDonough | Canvassing the Speckled Hedge
Lianne O’Hara | Thirst & Synthesis
Rory O’Sullivan | Cityview & Sonnets
Michael Phoenix | on the bank by the river
Eleanor Porter | The Earth Compels
Liz Quirke | While Waiting for News of Him & Shannagurraun, near the end
Jane Robinson | Orchard Diary of Our Undoing
Annette Skade | Nouns from a Report on the Role of Kelp in the Marine Environment Anna Teresa Slater | At the Brink Marc Swan | End of the Season
Pat Tompkins | At the Aquarium: Mola Mola
David Toms | Autumn
Susannah Violette | Between
Andrea Ward | Song-Rise
Nidhi Zak/ Aria Eipe | After the fall(out)
Writing for a Change Competition Winners
Julie Le Blanc | Tended
Laura Woulfe | Untitled
Gearóidín Nic Cárthaigh | Ár dTrá go Deo
Tegan Forde | Caoineadh na Fáinleoige
Cover art and design: Carol Anne Connolly
Issue 1
Ireland: €9.95
International: €14.00
John Creevy | In the Garden
Don Ó Donnacháin | Derry 2084: A Burial
Michael Phoenix | The Dogs
Mark Baker | Sunny Spell
Amanda Bell | Dodder River Haiku
Toby Buckley | Inver
David Butler | Annaghmakerrig
Celia Claase | Cylinder Creature
Lucy Crispin | January sends a short but important memo
Seth Crook | Daily Swim
Martina Dalton | The Actual Stag
John Davies | Sea Swell
Patrick Deeley | Begun Things
Colin Hopkirk | Buzzard
Joey Lew | As Alive & In My Backyard
Paul Lewis | Salthill Littoral
DS Maolalai | Crabs and Netted Mackerel & Dandelion Clocks
Suzzanna Matthews | Hope Arise
Anne McCrea | Bog People
Pete Mullineaux | Boarders
Cliona O’Connell | Tornado & Whites and Shadows
Karen O’Connor | Field of Gulls
Lisa Reily | In a bath with Bruce Dawe
Lola Scollard | Life, Still with Pheasant
Lisa Stice | Incidental
Marc Swan | Wild about Wampum
Ojo Taiye | at the age of four
Rosamund Taylor | On the Lichens and Liverwort of Bantry Bay & No Natural Predators
Iain Twiddy | Shannon
Lydia Unsworth | Nothing that Understands Stays & Chestnuts
Grace Wilentz | Belly of the Whale
Elspeth Wilson | We cannot eat hares
Cover art and design: Rachel Doolin
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