Channel Issue 11
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Anastasia Jill | Coughing Fish
Frances Ogamba | Telepathy
Tess O’Regan | Misty, or Vanishings of Unclear Origins
David Ralph | Marginal Soils
Chimezie Chika | Against the Weather
Brendan Mac Evilly | Being and Swimmingness
Christine Barkley | (Oil on Seawater, Transferred to Canvas) & Imprints
Jo Bear | Persephone in Éire & Gentrification Ghazal
Annette C. Boehm | An Awk of a Girl & Untethered
Rebecca Bratten Weiss | Russian Olive (invasive), On New Year’s Day & Heron Slut
Diarmuid Cawley | Adults & Washed
Helen Chen | Morning Routine
Gemma Cooper-Novack | Power
Paula Dias Garcia | a thing that growls and moans both
Daniel Fuller | Caoineadh & All of the Old Poets Used to Write about Nightingales
Robert René Galván | Banyan
Michael Goodfellow | Named Storms
Ellen Harrold | Máthair Shúigh Mhór
Louise Kim | urban sonnet
Hannah Linden | Mist & Dear Kafka
David Mullin | Ornithomancy
Keev Ó Baoill | Más buan mo chuimhne
David Ishaya Osu | Dreaming
James Owens | One Year After a Summer of Fires
Mandy Shunnarah | we love what we long for
Cherry Smyth | Lie Flat
Fawn Emmalee Ward | Silent/Sounds
Erin Wilson | The Understory in Autumn
Cover art: Palestinian Gazelle I and Palestinian Gazelle II, by Manal Mahamid
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