Dodder River Haiku
by Amanda Bell
narrow hill road
a short-horned cow
glowers from the ditch
reservoir spillway
the scent of elderflower
on a warm breeze
stopping for a snack
beneath the draping larch
a cloud of midges
urban river path
gulls and two plump foxes
eating sandwiches
Dodder Valley walk
two sheep and a lamb
tending the lawn
a baby rat disappears
down the heron’s throat –
camera shutters snap
beneath the ring road
a ‘Men at Work’ sign floating
past the heron
warm summer evening
sharing a picnic on the weir
two grey crows
lone fox on the bank
onlookers whisper
about poisoned cubs
Publications by Amanda Bell include the loneliness of the sasquatch (Alba Publishing, 2018), First the Feathers (Doire Press, 2017), The Lost Library Book (The Onslaught Press, 2017), and Undercurrents (Alba Publishing, 2016). She is assistant editor of The Haibun Journal. Bell’s ‘Dodder River Haiku’ were first published in Channel Issue 1.